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Hair Removal

Heidelberg | Mannheim | Karlsruhe | Pforzheim | Heilbronn | Stuttgart | Weinheim | Frankfurt | Wiesbaden | Darmstadt | Offenbach | Bensheim | Saarbrücken | Mainz | Ludwigshafen | Kaiserslautern | Speyer | Neustadt | Landau | Worms | Frankenthal

Your Expert

Years of experience in the field of hair removal with light make us
experts in the professional and permanent* hair removal.

✔ medical & cosmetic professionals ✔ medical cooperation ✔ no adhesion contracts ✔ almost all skin and hair types ✔ best technology ✔ all technologies available on the market ✔ painless treatment ✔ over 100,000 treatments ✔ over 15 years of experience
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Customer opinions & service quality

ProvenExpert Badge - Top Dienstleister
Proven Expert Von Kunden empfohlen Batch
Ausgezeichnet.org Batch Mannheim Dez 24
Zertifizierungs Icon NiSV
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Customer opinions & service quality

ProvenExpert Badge - Top Dienstleister
Proven Expert Von Kunden empfohlen Batch
Ausgezeichnet.org Batch Mannheim Dez 24
Zertifizierungs Icon NiSV
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Haarfreiheit is available at many locations. Enjoy professional and most modern technology. Get to know instantly if Haarfreiheit is also available near you.

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Best technology at many locations | Enjoy the feeling of smooth skin at all time thanks to the painless and innovative XENOgel Technology

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Only with us:

Kollage Beratung ärztliche Expertise Kooperationspartner Arzt bei Haarfreiheit

Specialist cooperation

We at Haarfreiheit are focusing medical cooperations. In this way, experts can be at our disposal as a contact person in medical matters. Thanks to their many years of experience of the respective doctor, we have an excellent help in the assessment of skin and hair types and the associated peculiarities.

Zertifikat Hintergrund
Zertifizierungs Icon NiSV

Our staff is NiSV certified!

Of course, our professional staff is trained and certified in compliance with this law. The extensive training ensures proper handling with technologies and ensures proper responsibility and education on the subject of permanent hair removal using light & laser. So you can always feel safe and in good hands at Hairfree.

Put your trust in our expertise.

employee Saskia


employee Anna


employee Ankatrin


Employee Felicia


Effect background picture business man



Why we are the best choice for you

Haarfreiheit is the top address for permanent hair removal*. Our institutes in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Wiesbaden and Frankenthal can be optimally reached from the cities of Wiesloch, Waldorf, Hockenheim, Schwetzingen, Schriesheim, Weinheim, Neckargemünd and Sinsheim.

✓ medical & cosmetic professionals

✓ no adhesion contracts

✓ almost all skin and hair types

✓ best technology

✓ all technologies available on the market

✓ medical cooperation

✓ painless treatment

✓ over 100,000 treatments

✓ over 15 years of experience

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    Easily and conveniently book your consultation or treatment online with Haarfreiheit’s online booking service.

    Create an account quickly and easily to schedule your free consultation or your next treatment appointment. Keep track of everything with your personalized appointment overview and instantly see which staff members and time slots are available on the calendar. The online booking feature is also available on your Haarfreiheit app!

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    You are a new customer?
    Please book a free & non-binding consultation
    before making an appointment for your first treatment.

    Scan or click the QR code below.

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    Permanent hair removal* XENOgel® Technology

    XENOgel® Technology is a combination of photoepilation and crystal gel. With the XENOgel® Technology light impulses are optimally guided into the skin, where they can unfold their permanent hair removal effect*.

    franchise Logo Haarfreiheit


    Are you interested in treating your clients with this innovative technology as well? We offer different concepts, with which you can also treat customers in your institute with the effective and gentle XENOgel® Technology. Learn more about the different possibilities.

    background Josua
    Portrait Josua
    Link Bild Interview mit Josua

    “My experience with hair removal – mega awesome! – Since the first treatment, I started with my armpits (…) I never shaved again. I did it every 4 weeks and I always checked it, but almost nothing grew back. I don’t feel like shaving anymore. Even when I was on holiday, I didn’t have to shave. Less and less from session to session (…) and that saves time and nerves. ” Josua Maria (26): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencer

    background Aurelia
    Portrait Aurelia
    Youtube Videolink picture

    “I shaved normally before that, but it always grew back very quickly – so it wasn’t the best thing. I’ve had my legs and armpits lasered (…) and I’m actually already completely hairless (…) which is also a huge quality of life for me – because it just makes a huge difference and as a tip I’d just say that you shave two days before and then always cremate well and in any case you don’t have to be afraid – it doesn’t hurt.” Aurelia Lamprecht (25): TV-Celebrity “Love Island”, Influencerin

    background Iris Klein
    Portrait Iris
    Youtube Videolink picture

    “It really didn’t hurt, there was a gel over it and there are also different stages. We started with the smallest step and then increased and after the second treatment the hair was already less and after the 8th treatment I was off with hair.” Iris Klein (55): Mother of Daniela Katzenberger and Jenny Frankhauser, Influencerin

    background Peter Klein
    Portrait Peter Klein
    Youtube Videolink picture

    “Nobody/ no man have to be ashamed, so if you have hair and want it gone, either you take on the annoying procedure of shaving or (…) you get professional help and go to someone who removes it permanently – that’s the better way in my eyes. You want to look good.” Peter Klein (63): Self-made man, Craftsman from Mallorca, Influencer


    We always strive to offer you the best service, so that you feel completely comfortable. That is why more than 1000 customers have already placed their trust in us and constantly recommend us to others. You too can benefit from our feel-good ambience and our excellent service. Sit back and get rid of annoying hair once and for all, no matter where, no matter what technique.

    Permanent hair removal* has never been so uncomplicated. Therefore, convince yourself of our professional consultation and treatment. For this reason, our service includes a free preliminary examination and the preparation of an anamnesis. In addition, a blood sample for hormone determination is also possible. If an application procedure for the assumption of the treatment costs should be necessary with your health insurance company, we are likewise to you with medical authority aside.

    We mostly work with XENOgel technology, which we have developed and perfected. In addition, there is also the possibility of treatment with the help of IPL technology. However, treatments in our institute are performed almost exclusively with the new trend-setting XENOgel technology in an efficient and painless way. Particularly relevant here is the crystal gel used to optimize the light effect. Finally, the result is smooth skin.

    Of course, we offer you an initial consultation free of charge. This way you can relax and decide whether permanent hair removal is the right thing for you. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of professional hair removal with the help of light technology, we can already look back on over 15000 successfully performed treatments. Trust only the best in the field of permanent hair removal*.

    BeIt is especially important to us that we do not want to bind you to any contracts or monthly payments at any time. For this reason you enjoy full freedom.

    Unlike other providers, with us a payment is only due after each individual treatment. Pay effortlessly in cash, by EC or credit card. In addition, you can conveniently pay the price of the treatment in installments starting from an amount of 50 euros and do not have to spend the entire amount immediately.

    All services are performed by medical or cosmetic professionals. Consequently, you will be advised and treated primarily by professionals trained in the medical professions. It is particularly important to us that you are offered the highest possible competence and quality.

    While other types of procedures for permanent hair removal can effectively treat only certain hair types, SHR technology offers a new approach. From now on, unlike other procedures, the innovative XENOgel method allows us to treat different hair and skin types. Therefore, treatment on tanned skin is also feasible.

    From now on, you will never have to deal with annoying shaving again. Find out how you can realize your dream of silky smooth skin in a personalized consultation. Arrange your personal consultation today! We look forward to your visit.

    Foto Photoepilations Device and Logo Haarfreiheit collage



    Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 1
    69117 Heidelberg

    Trennlinie Standort

    (06221) 187-6767


    M7 16-18
    68161 Mannheim

    Trennlinie Standort

    (0621) 586 7490


    Kaiserstraße 110
    76133 Karlsruhe

    Trennlinie Standort

    (0721) 61 934 200


    Wilhelmstrasse 18
    65185 Wiesbaden

    Location Dividing Line

    (0611) 949 100 30


    Saalgasse 8
    60311 Frankfurt

    Location Dividing Line

    (069) 8700 979 0


    Große Bleiche 3
    55116 Mainz

    Location Dividing Line

    (06131) 62457 70


    Silberburgstraße 142
    70176 Stuttgart

    Location Dividing Line

    (0800) 000 73 00


    Lutrinastraße 27
    67655 Kaiserslautern

    Location Dividing Line

    (0631) 343 73 520


    Bahnhofstraße 61/63
    66111 Saarbrücken

    Location Dividing Line

    (0681) 387 50 40


    Prinz Carl Anlage 22
    67547 Worms 

    Location Dividing Line

    (0711) 286 969 69


    Schlossergasse 1
    67227 Frankenthal

    Location Dividing Line

    (06233) 30 417 30



    Location Dividing Line

    (0800) 000 73 00


    Schulstraße 18
    64283 Darmstadt

    Location Dividing Line

    06151 – 394 51 61


    Bahnhofstraße 13-15
    67059 Ludwigshafen

    Location Dividing Line

    0621 – 702 92 333


    Westliche-Karl-Friedrichstraße 70
    75172 Pforzheim

    Location Dividing Line

    07231 – 20 43 500

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    We open new INSTITUTES constantly

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    Phone: 0800 / 000 73 00


    e-Mail: info@haarfreiheit.net


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